Stéphane Lelong and his team realise your Meditation&Performance® stays for you to attract to your establishments the growing numbers of customers of wellness facilities.
These Meditation & Performance® stays for leaders are designed to increase the attractiveness and profitability of your places of well-being, your Hotels & Resorts and your Health Resorts.
Meditation is a practice to develop wellbeing and vitality. It enables the rediscovery of mental calm, equilibrium and creativity. It improves productivity and action.
It is a practice that develops mental calm, self-knowledge, understanding of others, an analysis of ones exact place, a clear vision and ones ability to make decisions and take action. It allows inner healing and instils peace, joy and happiness.
The benefits of Meditation&Performance® stays for leaders are:
Stéphane Lelong and his team realise for you Meditation&Performance® stays in your places of well-being, your Hotels & Resorts and your Health Resorts:
Complementing the Meditation&Performance® stays, dedicated and customised Meditation&Performance® programmes are available for professionals to meet special customer requirements and achieve specific goals.
Programmes to adapt the content of your stays to the needs of your different clients:
Stéphane Lelong also organises personalised and customised support for policy makers and leaders.
Stéphane Lelong is a developer of well-being: it is his vocation.
He is both head of an entreprise and a follower of meditation. He has studied many forms of meditation and traditions and also personal development.
He has practiced meditation for nearly thirty years. He created the Meditation&Performance® stays and decided to adapt and pass on his knowledge to programmes designed for leaders to develop their creativity, performance and serenity.
The Meditation&Performance® stays are perfectly suited to the Health Resorts, wellness and vitality resorts.
Wellbeing as way to develop the hotel business.
Expand profitability by wellness services.
Meditation at Āman Resort:
Stéphane Lelong ORganisation
42, rue Vieille du Temple
75004 Paris - France